
NanoGUI uses a CMake build system to ensure portability. All dependencies are cloned and compiled in one batch, which should generally reduce the amount of configuration effort to zero. Assuming that NanoGUI was cloned into the current working directory, the following commands need to be executed:

# enter the top-level NanoGUI directory
$ cd nanogui

# make a build directory and enter that
$ mkdir build
$ cd build

# generate your Makefile
$ cmake ..

# now that you have a Makefile, use that to build
$ make -j 4

For Windows, the process is nearly the same:

# enter the top-level NanoGUI directory
$ cd nanogui

# make a build directory and enter that
$ mkdir build
$ cd build

# Specify VS Version AND 64bit, otherwise it defaults to 32.
# The version number and year may be different for you, Win64
# can be appended to any of them.  Execute `cmake -G` to get
# a listing of the available generators.
# 32 bit Windows builds are /not/ supported
$ cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..

# Either open the .sln with Visual Studio, or run
$ cmake --build . --config Release

Default Configurations

By default, NanoGUI will

Impact / effect CMake Option
Build the example programs. NANOGUI_BUILD_EXAMPLE
Build as a shared library. NANOGUI_BUILD_SHARED
Build the Python plugins. NANOGUI_BUILD_PYTHON
Use GLAD if on Windows. NANOGUI_USE_GLAD
Generate an install target. NANOGUI_INSTALL

Users developing projects that reference NanoGUI as a git submodule (this is strongly encouraged) can set up the parent project’s CMake configuration file as follows (this assumes that nanogui lives in the directory ext/nanogui relative to the parent project):

# Disable building extras we won't need (pure C++ project)

# Add the configurations from nanogui

# For reliability of parallel build, make the NanoGUI targets dependencies
set_property(TARGET glfw glfw_objects nanogui PROPERTY FOLDER "dependencies")

Required Variables Exposed

Due to the nature of building an OpenGL application for different platforms, three variables are populated to allow for easy incorporation with your CMake build. After you have executed add_subdirectory as shown above, you will need to add the following (assuming the target you are building is called myTarget):

# Various preprocessor definitions have been generated by NanoGUI

# On top of adding the path to nanogui/include, you may need extras

# Compile a target using NanoGUI
add_executable(myTarget myTarget.cpp)

# Lastly, additional libraries may have been built for you.  In addition to linking
# against NanoGUI, we need to link against those as well.
target_link_libraries(myTarget nanogui ${NANOGUI_EXTRA_LIBS})

Advanced Compilation Details

NanoGUI and Python

Although it is 2018, you may still for example wish to build the Python bindings for Python 2.7. The variable you would set before add_subdirectory is NANOGUI_PYTHON_VERSION. For example,

# can also use minor versions

NanoGUI and Eigen

NanoGUI uses Eigen internally for various vector types. Eigen is an advanced header only template library, which NanoGUI vendors in the ext folder. It is important to understand the implication of Eigen being header only: only one version of Eigen can be included.

There is a CMake bypass variable available in NanoGUI: NANOGUI_EIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR. You would set this variable before add_subdirectory. Since you will want to provide the same kind of bypass for users of your library, the following snippet is a good starting point. For this example code:

  1. The parent CMake project is called myproj. A good CMake practice to adopt is to prefix your project’s name to any variables you intend to expose. This allows parent projects to know where the variable came from, and avoids name collisions.

  2. First find_package is used to try and find Eigen. The philosophy is that the user is responsible for ensuring that the version of Eigen they want to use will be found.

  3. Since NanoGUI needs to remain self-contained, the side-effect is that even if the user does not have Eigen installed, you can fallback and use the one vendored with NanoGUI.

  4. The following directory structure:

        CMakeLists.txt         <- Where this example code is
                CMakeLists.txt <- NanoGUI's build system
                    eigen/     <- NanoGUI's internal copy of Eigen
# `if NOT` is what enables the same bypass for your project
  # Grab or find the Eigen3 include directory.
  find_package(Eigen3 QUIET)
    # use the internal NanoGUI copy of Eigen
    set(MYPROJ_EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ext/nanogui/ext/eigen)

message(STATUS "Using Eigen3 from directory: ${MYPROJ_EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR}")
# set any other NanoGUI specific variables you need (shown in above sections)

# include it for your project as well (or append to a list
# and include that list later, depending on your setup)

NanoGUI, GLFW, and Other Projects

Suppose you want to use NanoGUI as your GUI toolkit, but you also have another library you want to use that depends on glfw. Call the second library Foo. Generally speaking, it is unlikely that library Foo will provide you with mechanisms to explicitly specify where glfw comes from. You could try to work on a patch with the developers of library Foo to allow this to be overridden, but you may need to maintain your own fork of library Foo. There is just as much justification to allow the bypass as there is to not want it in a build system.

Since NanoGUI merges the glfw objects into the library being built, you can actually just specify nanogui as the glfw dependency directly. So lets suppose that library Foo was looking for glfw like this:

  target_link_libraries(foo ${GLFW3_LIBRARIES})

You can cheat around this pretty easily. For the modification to library Foo’s build system, all we do is wrap find_package:

+ endif()
    target_link_libraries(foo ${GLFW3_LIBRARIES})

Now that find_package will only execute if NOT GLFW3_FOUND, in your build system you make sure to set all three glfw variables (found, include, and libraries). It might look something like this:

# ... any other nanogui configs ...
# same directory structure as Eigen example

# nanogui needs to be added first so the 'nanogui' target is defined
# and can be used in the generator expression for the libraries
set(GLFW3_INCLUDE_DIRS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ext/nanogui/ext/glfw/include)


# IMPORTANT! You need to force NanoGUI to build first
# Assuming their library target is called 'foo'
add_dependencies(foo nanogui)

Depending on what you need to do, the above may not be sufficient. But it is at least a starting point to being able to “share” NanoGUI as the vendor of glfw.

Including Custom Fonts

NanoGUI uses the Roboto font for text, and Entypo font for icons. If you wish to add your own custom font, all you need is a True Type file (a .ttf extension). NanoGUI will glob all fonts found in resources by expanding resources/*.ttf. So if you had the directory structure

    CMakeLists.txt      <- where this code is

You simply need to copy the superfont.ttf to NanoGUI’s resources directory:

  COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/fonts/superfont.ttf
  DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ext/nanogui/resources/superfont.ttf

When you build the code, there should be a file nanogui_resources.h generated. If everything worked, your new font should have been included.


Since NanoGUI can support images as icons, you will want to make sure that the codepoint for any icon fonts you create is greater than 1024. See nanogui::nvgIsImageIcon().


Some widgets allow you to set fonts directly, but if you want to apply the font globally, you should create a sub-class of nanogui::Theme and explicitly call nanogui::Widget::setTheme() for each widget you create.

Compiling the Documentation

The documentation system relies on ‘Doxygen’, ‘Sphinx’, ‘Breathe’, and ‘Exhale’. It uses the ‘Read the Docs’ theme for the layout of the generated html. So you will need to first

  1. Install Doxygen for your operating system. On Unix based systems, this should be available through your package manager (apt-get, brew, dnf, etc).

  2. Install Sphinx, Breathe, Exhale, and the theme:

    pip3 install exhale sphinx_rtd_theme

Now that you have the relevant tools, you can build the documentation with

# Enter the documentation directory
$ cd <path/to/nanogui>/docs

# Build the documentation
$ make html

The output will be generated in _build, the root html document is located at _build/html/index.html.


When building the documentation locally, there can be subtle differences in the rendered pages than what is hosted online. You should largely be able to ignore this.