Class TabWidget

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class TabWidget : public nanogui::Widget

A wrapper around the widgets TabHeader and StackedWidget which hooks the two classes together.


Unlike other widgets, children may not be added directly to a TabWidget. For example, the following code will raise an exception:

// `this` might be say a nanogui::Screen instance
Window *window = new Window(this, "Window Title");
TabWidget *tabWidget = window->add<TabWidget>();
// this label would be a direct child of tabWidget,
// which is forbidden, so an exception will be raised
new Label(tabWidget, "Some Label");

Instead, you are expected to be creating tabs and adding widgets to those.

// `this` might be say a nanogui::Screen instance
Window *window = new Window(this, "Window Title");
TabWidget *tabWidget = window->add<TabWidget>();
// Create a tab first
auto *layer = tabWidget->createTab("Tab Name");
// Add children to the created tabs
layer->setLayout(new GroupLayout());
new Label(layer, "Some Label");

A slightly more involved example of creating a TabWidget can also be found in Example 1 (search for tabWidget in the file).

Public Functions

TabWidget(Widget *parent)
virtual void addChild(int index, Widget *widget)

Forcibly prevent mis-use of the class by throwing an exception. Children are not to be added directly to the TabWidget, see the class level documentation (TabWidget) for an example.

  • std::runtime_error: An exception is always thrown, as children are not allowed to be added directly to this Widget.

void setActiveTab(int tabIndex)
int activeTab() const
int tabCount() const
void setCallback(const std::function<void(int)> &callback)

Sets the callable objects which is invoked when a tab is changed. The argument provided to the callback is the index of the new active tab.

const std::function<void(int)> &callback() const
Widget *createTab(const std::string &label)

Creates a new tab with the specified name and returns a pointer to the layer.

Widget *createTab(int index, const std::string &label)
void addTab(const std::string &label, Widget *tab)

Inserts a tab at the end of the tabs collection and associates it with the provided widget.

void addTab(int index, const std::string &label, Widget *tab)

Inserts a tab into the tabs collection at the specified index and associates it with the provided widget.

bool removeTab(const std::string &label)

Removes the tab with the specified label and returns the index of the label. Returns whether the removal was successful.

void removeTab(int index)

Removes the tab with the specified index.

const std::string &tabLabelAt(int index) const

Retrieves the label of the tab at a specific index.

int tabLabelIndex(const std::string &label)

Retrieves the index of a specific tab using its tab label. Returns -1 if there is no such tab.

int tabIndex(Widget *tab)

Retrieves the index of a specific tab using a widget pointer. Returns -1 if there is no such tab.

void ensureTabVisible(int index)

This function can be invoked to ensure that the tab with the provided index the is visible, i.e to track the given tab. Forwards to the tab header widget. This function should be used whenever the client wishes to make the tab header follow a newly added tab, as the content of the new tab is made visible but the tab header does not track it by default.

const Widget *tab(const std::string &label) const

Returns a const pointer to the Widget associated with the specified label.

The Widget associated with this label, or nullptr if not found.
  • label: The label used to create the tab.

Widget *tab(const std::string &label)

Returns a pointer to the Widget associated with the specified label.

The Widget associated with this label, or nullptr if not found.
  • label: The label used to create the tab.

const Widget *tab(int index) const

Returns a const pointer to the Widget associated with the specified index.

The Widget at the specified index, or nullptr if index is not a valid index.
  • index: The current index of the desired Widget.

Widget *tab(int index)

Returns a pointer to the Widget associated with the specified index.

The Widget at the specified index, or nullptr if index is not a valid index.
  • index: The current index of the desired Widget.

virtual void performLayout(NVGcontext *ctx)

Invoke the associated layout generator to properly place child widgets, if any.

virtual Vector2i preferredSize(NVGcontext *ctx) const

Compute the preferred size of the widget.

virtual void draw(NVGcontext *ctx)

Draw the widget (and all child widgets)

Private Members

TabHeader *mHeader
StackedWidget *mContent
std::function<void(int)> mCallback