Class TextBox

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Derived Types

Class Documentation

class TextBox : public nanogui::Widget

Fancy text box with builtin regular expression-based validation.

This class overrides Widget::mIconExtraScale to what is specified by Theme::mTextBoxIconExtraScale, which affects all subclasses of this Widget. Subclasses must explicitly set a different value if needed (e.g., in their constructor). Note that setTheme also overwrites this value to that specified by the new Theme, so subclasses must also account for this if setting to a non-theme value.

Subclassed by nanogui::FloatBox< T >, nanogui::IntBox< T >, nanogui::detail::FormWidget< std::string, std::true_type >, nanogui::FloatBox< Scalar >, nanogui::IntBox< Scalar >

Public Types

enum Alignment

How to align the text in the text box.



Public Functions

TextBox(Widget *parent, const std::string &value = "Untitled", const std::string &font = "")

Creates a text box attached to the specified parent.


bool editable() const
void setEditable(bool editable)
bool spinnable() const
void setSpinnable(bool spinnable)
const std::string &value() const
void setValue(const std::string &value)
const std::string &defaultValue() const
void setDefaultValue(const std::string &defaultValue)
Alignment alignment() const
void setAlignment(Alignment align)
const std::string &units() const
void setUnits(const std::string &units)
int unitsImage() const
void setUnitsImage(int image)
const std::string &format() const

Return the underlying regular expression specifying valid formats.

void setFormat(const std::string &format)

Specify a regular expression specifying valid formats.

const std::string &placeholder() const

Return the placeholder text to be displayed while the text box is empty.

void setPlaceholder(const std::string &placeholder)

Specify a placeholder text to be displayed while the text box is empty.

std::function<bool(const std::string &str)> callback() const

The callback to execute when the value of this TextBox has changed.

void setCallback(const std::function<bool(const std::string &str)> &callback)

Sets the callback to execute when the value of this TextBox has changed.

virtual bool mouseButtonEvent(const Vector2i &p, int button, bool down, int modifiers)

Handle a mouse button event (default implementation: propagate to children)

virtual bool mouseMotionEvent(const Vector2i &p, const Vector2i &rel, int button, int modifiers)

Handle a mouse motion event (default implementation: propagate to children)

virtual bool mouseDragEvent(const Vector2i &p, const Vector2i &rel, int button, int modifiers)

Handle a mouse drag event (default implementation: do nothing)

virtual bool focusEvent(bool focused)

Handle a focus change event (default implementation: record the focus status, but do nothing)

virtual bool keyboardEvent(int key, int scancode, int action, int modifiers)

Handle a keyboard event (default implementation: do nothing)

virtual bool keyboardCharacterEvent(unsigned int codepoint)

Handle text input (UTF-32 format) (default implementation: do nothing)

virtual Vector2i preferredSize(NVGcontext *ctx) const

Compute the preferred size of the widget.

virtual void draw(NVGcontext *ctx)

Draw the widget (and all child widgets)

virtual void setTheme(Theme *theme)

Ensures that Widget::mIconExtraScale is updated.

virtual void save(Serializer &s) const

Save the state of the widget into the given Serializer instance.

virtual bool load(Serializer &s)

Restore the state of the widget from the given Serializer instance.

Protected Types

enum SpinArea

The location (if any) for the spin area.



Protected Functions

bool checkFormat(const std::string &input, const std::string &format)
bool copySelection()
void pasteFromClipboard()
bool deleteSelection()
void updateCursor(NVGcontext *ctx, float lastx, const NVGglyphPosition *glyphs, int size)
float cursorIndex2Position(int index, float lastx, const NVGglyphPosition *glyphs, int size)
int position2CursorIndex(float posx, float lastx, const NVGglyphPosition *glyphs, int size)
SpinArea spinArea(const Vector2i &pos)

Protected Attributes

bool mEditable
bool mSpinnable
bool mCommitted
std::string mValue
std::string mDefaultValue
Alignment mAlignment
std::string mUnits
std::string mFormat
int mUnitsImage
std::function<bool(const std::string &str)> mCallback
bool mValidFormat
std::string mValueTemp
std::string mPlaceholder
int mCursorPos
int mSelectionPos
Vector2i mMousePos
Vector2i mMouseDownPos
Vector2i mMouseDragPos
int mMouseDownModifier
float mTextOffset
double mLastClick