Class Theme

Nested Relationships

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Theme : public nanogui::Object

Storage class for basic theme-related properties.

Public Functions

Theme(NVGcontext *ctx)

Public Members

std::string mDefaultFont

The default font face: "sans" from resources/Roboti-Regular.ttf.

std::string mDefaultBoldFont

The default bold font face: "sans-bold" from resources/Roboto-Bold.ttf.

std::string mDefaultMonoFont

The default monospace font: "mono" from resources/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf.

Not used directly in NanoGUI, but loaded and available for all applications.

std::string mDefaultMonoBoldFont

The default monospace bold font: "mono-bold" from resources/RobotoMono-Bold.ttf.

Not used directly in NanoGUI, but loaded and available for all applications.

std::string mDefaultIconFont

The default icon font face: "icons" from resources/entypo.ttf.

int mFontNormal

The font memory identifier loaded for mDefaultFont.

Most applications should not have a need to use this variable. Its value should never be reassigned.

int mFontBold

The font memory identifier loaded for mDefaultBoldFont.

Most applications should not have a need to use this variable. Its value should never be reassigned.

int mFontMonoNormal

The font memory identifier loaded for mDefaultMonoFont.

Most applications should not have a need to use this variable. Its value should never be reassigned.

int mFontMonoBold

The font memory identifier loaded for mDefaultMonoBoldFont.

Most applications should not have a need to use this variable. Its value should never be reassigned.

int mFontIcons

The font memory identifier loaded for mDefaultIconFont.

Most applications should not have a need to use this variable. Its value should never be reassigned.

float mIconScale

The amount of scaling that is applied to each icon to fit the size of NanoGUI widgets. The default value is 0.77f, setting to e.g. higher than 1.0f is generally discouraged.

float mStandardFontSize

The font size for all widgets other than buttons and textboxes (default: 16).

float mButtonFontSize

The font size for buttons (default: 20).

float mTextBoxFontSize

The font size for text boxes (default: 20).

float mWindowFontSize

The font size for Window captions (default: 18).

int mWindowCornerRadius

Rounding radius for Window widget corners (default: 2).

int mWindowHeaderHeight

Default size of Window widget titles (default: 30).

int mWindowDropShadowSize

Size of drop shadow rendered behind the Window widgets (default: 10).

int mButtonCornerRadius

Rounding radius for Button (and derived types) widgets (default: 2).

float mTabBorderWidth

The border width for TabHeader widgets (default: 0.75f).

int mTabInnerMargin

The inner margin on a TabHeader widget (default: 5).

int mTabMinButtonWidth

The minimum size for buttons on a TabHeader widget (default: 20).

int mTabMaxButtonWidth

The maximum size for buttons on a TabHeader widget (default: 160).

int mTabControlWidth

Used to help specify what lies “in bound” for a TabHeader widget (default: 20).

int mTabButtonHorizontalPadding

The amount of horizontal padding for a TabHeader widget (default: 10).

int mTabButtonVerticalPadding

The amount of vertical padding for a TabHeader widget (default: 2).

Color mDropShadow

The color of the drop shadow drawn behind widgets (default: intensity=0, alpha=128; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mTransparent

The transparency color (default: intensity=0, alpha=0; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mBorderDark

The dark border color (default: intensity=29, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mBorderLight

The light border color (default: intensity=92, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mBorderMedium

The medium border color (default: intensity=35, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mTextColor

The text color (default: intensity=255, alpha=160; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mDisabledTextColor

The disable dtext color (default: intensity=255, alpha=80; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mTextColorShadow

The text shadow color (default: intensity=0, alpha=160; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mIconColor

The icon color (default: nanogui::Theme::mTextColor).

Color mButtonGradientTopFocused

The top gradient color for buttons in focus (default: intensity=64, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mButtonGradientBotFocused

The bottom gradient color for buttons in focus (default: intensity=48, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mButtonGradientTopUnfocused

The top gradient color for buttons not in focus (default: intensity=74, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mButtonGradientBotUnfocused

The bottom gradient color for buttons not in focus (default: intensity=58, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mButtonGradientTopPushed

The top gradient color for buttons currently pushed (default: intensity=41, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mButtonGradientBotPushed

The bottom gradient color for buttons currently pushed (default: intensity=29, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

float mTooltipOpacity

The maximum value for tooltip background opacity. Default: 0.8f.

Lower values result in more transparent tooltips, higher values result in less transparent tooltips. This represents an OpenGL alpha value, meaning 1.0f (or higher) will result in no transparency.

In the implementation of Screen::drawWidgets, this variable is used as

float opacity = std::min(
    widget->theme()->mTooltipOpacity, 2.0f * (static_cast<float>(elapsed) - 0.5f)
nvgGlobalAlpha(mNVGContext, opacity);

These mechanics allow for the tooltip to fade-in. elapsed contains the amount of time the mouse has been hovering over the Widget whose tooltip is being displayed. After subtraction and scaling, when the mouse hover begins the calculation will result in smaller values (e.g., starting around 0.05f). After enough time, mTooltipOpacity will always be the smaller value, making mTooltipOpacity the maximum alpha channel value for the tooltip.

Color mTooltipBackgroundColor

The background color to use for drawing nanogui::Widget::mTooltip (default: intensity=0, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mTooltipTextColor

The text color to use for drawing nanogui::Widget::mTooltip (default: intensity=255, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mWindowFillUnfocused

The fill color for a Window that is not in focus (default: intensity=43, alpha=230; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mWindowFillFocused

The fill color for a Window that is in focus (default: intensity=45, alpha=230; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mWindowTitleUnfocused

The title color for a Window that is not in focus (default: intensity=220, alpha=160; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mWindowTitleFocused

The title color for a Window that is in focus (default: intensity=255, alpha=190; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int)).

Color mWindowHeaderGradientTop

The top gradient color for Window headings (default: nanogui::Theme::mButtonGradientTopUnfocused).

Color mWindowHeaderGradientBot

The bottom gradient color for Window headings (default: nanogui::Theme::mButtonGradientBotUnfocused).

Color mWindowHeaderSepTop

The Window header top separation color (default: nanogui::Theme::mBorderLight).

Color mWindowHeaderSepBot

The Window header bottom separation color (default: nanogui::Theme::mBorderDark).

Color mWindowPopup

The popup window color (default: intensity=50, alpha=255; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int))).

Color mWindowPopupTransparent

The transparent popup window color (default: intensity=50, alpha=0; see nanogui::Color::Color(int,int))).

int mCheckBoxIcon

Icon to use for CheckBox widgets (default: ENTYPO_ICON_CHECK).

float mCheckBoxIconExtraScale

Extra scaling needed for mCheckBoxIcon (default: defaultCheckBoxIconExtraScale).

int mMessageInformationIcon

Icon to use for informational MessageDialog widgets (default: ENTYPO_ICON_INFO_WITH_CIRCLE).

int mMessageQuestionIcon

Icon to use for interrogative MessageDialog widgets (default: ENTYPO_ICON_HELP_WITH_CIRCLE).

int mMessageWarningIcon

Icon to use for warning MessageDialog widgets (default: ENTYPO_ICON_WARNING).

int mMessageAltButtonIcon

Icon to use on MessageDialog alt button (default: ENTYPO_ICON_CIRCLE_WITH_CROSS).

int mMessagePrimaryButtonIcon

Icon to use on MessageDialog primary button (default: ENTYPO_ICON_CHECK).

int mPopupChevronRightIcon

Icon to use for PopupButton widgets opening to the right (default: ENTYPO_ICON_CHEVRON_RIGHT).

int mPopupChevronLeftIcon

Icon to use for PopupButton widgets opening to the left (default: ENTYPO_ICON_CHEVRON_LEFT).

float mPopupIconExtraScale

Extra scaling needed for mPopupChevronRightIcon and mPopupChevronLeftIcon (default: defaultPopupIconExtraScale).

int mTabHeaderLeftIcon

Icon to indicate hidden tabs to the left on a TabHeader (default: ENTYPO_ICON_ARROW_BOLD_LEFT).

int mTabHeaderRightIcon

Icon to indicate hidden tabs to the right on a TabHeader (default: ENTYPO_ICON_ARROW_BOLD_RIGHT).

int mTextBoxUpIcon

Icon to use when a TextBox has an up toggle (e.g. IntBox) (default: ENTYPO_ICON_CHEVRON_UP).

int mTextBoxDownIcon

Icon to use when a TextBox has a down toggle (e.g. IntBox) (default: ENTYPO_ICON_CHEVRON_DOWN).

float mTextBoxIconExtraScale

Extra scaling needed for mTextBoxUpIcon and mTextBoxDownIcon (default: defaultTextBoxIconExtraScale).

Public Static Functions

static float defaultCheckBoxIconExtraScale()

For the default theme, 1.2f is used in conjunction with ENTYPO_ICON_CHECK. If overriding, mCheckBoxIcon, make sure mCheckBoxIconExtraScale is set appropriately for the new icon choice.

This method exists for the rare occurence that a Theme instance is not available upon construction.


static float defaultPopupIconExtraScale()

For the default theme, 0.8f is used in conjunction with ENTYPO_ICON_CHEVRON_{LEFT,RIGHT}. If overriding, mPopupChevronRightIcon and mPopupChevronLeftIcon, make sure mPopupIconExtraScale is set appropriately for the new icon choice.

This method exists for the rare occurence that a Theme instance is not available upon construction.


Observe that there is only one scale variable (instead of one for left and right). This means that you need to choose an icon pair for left / right that are the same original size.


static float defaultTextBoxIconExtraScale()

For the default theme, 0.8f is used in conjunction with ENTYPO_ICON_CHEVRON_{UP,DOWN}. If overriding, mTextBoxUpIcon and mTextBoxDownIcon, make sure mTextBoxIconExtraScale is set appropriately for the new icon choice.

This method exists for the rare occurence that a Theme instance is not available upon construction.


Observe that there is only one scale variable (instead of one for up and down). This means that you need to choose an icon pair for up / down that are the same original size.


Protected Functions

virtual ~Theme()

Default destructor does nothing; allows for inheritance.

struct GlobalDefaultFonts

The font face string identifiers that are always loaded / available for every Widget.

In the (rare) event that a Widget does not have a Theme instance (this only happens when a Widget is constructed without a parent), these values are also used in the Widget font getter methods.

The five available class-level string constants are Normal, Bold, Mono, MonoBold, and Icons.

The implementation of nanogui::Widget::font.

Public Functions


This class shall not be instantiated.

GlobalDefaultFonts(const GlobalDefaultFonts &other)

This class shall not be copied.

GlobalDefaultFonts(const GlobalDefaultFonts &&other)

This class shall not be moved.

Public Static Attributes

constexpr auto Normal = "sans"

The "sans" font face: see nanogui::Theme::mDefaultFont.

constexpr auto Bold = "sans-bold"

The "sans-bold" font face: see nanogui::Theme::mDefaultBoldFont.

constexpr auto Mono = "mono"

The "mono" font face: see nanogui::Theme::mDefaultMonoFont.

constexpr auto MonoBold = "mono-bold"

The "mono-bold" font face: see nanogui::Theme::mDefaultMonoBoldFont.

constexpr auto Icons = "icons"

The "icons" font face: see nanogui::Theme::mDefaultIconFont.