Program Listing for File screen.hΒΆ

    nanogui/screen.h -- Top-level widget and interface between NanoGUI and GLFW

    A significant redesign of this code was contributed by Christian Schueller.

    NanoGUI was developed by Wenzel Jakob <>.
    The widget drawing code is based on the NanoVG demo application
    by Mikko Mononen.

    All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
    BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE.txt file.
#pragma once

#include <nanogui/widget.h>


class NANOGUI_EXPORT Screen : public Widget {
    friend class Widget;
    friend class Window;
    Screen(const Vector2i &size, const std::string &caption,
           bool resizable = true, bool fullscreen = false, int colorBits = 8,
           int alphaBits = 8, int depthBits = 24, int stencilBits = 8,
           int nSamples = 0,
           unsigned int glMajor = 3, unsigned int glMinor = 3);

    virtual ~Screen();

    const std::string &caption() const { return mCaption; }

    void setCaption(const std::string &caption);

    const Color &background() const { return mBackground; }

    void setBackground(const Color &background) { mBackground = background; }

    void setVisible(bool visible);

    void setSize(const Vector2i& size);

    virtual void drawAll();

    virtual void drawContents() { /* To be overridden */ }

    float pixelRatio() const { return mPixelRatio; }

    virtual bool dropEvent(const std::vector<std::string> & /* filenames */) { return false; /* To be overridden */ }

    virtual bool keyboardEvent(int key, int scancode, int action, int modifiers);

    virtual bool keyboardCharacterEvent(unsigned int codepoint);

    virtual bool resizeEvent(const Vector2i& size);

    std::function<void(Vector2i)> resizeCallback() const { return mResizeCallback; }
    void setResizeCallback(const std::function<void(Vector2i)> &callback) { mResizeCallback = callback; }

    Vector2i mousePos() const { return mMousePos; }

    GLFWwindow *glfwWindow() { return mGLFWWindow; }

    NVGcontext *nvgContext() { return mNVGContext; }

    void setShutdownGLFWOnDestruct(bool v) { mShutdownGLFWOnDestruct = v; }
    bool shutdownGLFWOnDestruct() { return mShutdownGLFWOnDestruct; }

    using Widget::performLayout;

    void performLayout() {

    /********* API for applications which manage GLFW themselves *********/


    void initialize(GLFWwindow *window, bool shutdownGLFWOnDestruct);

    /* Event handlers */
    bool cursorPosCallbackEvent(double x, double y);
    bool mouseButtonCallbackEvent(int button, int action, int modifiers);
    bool keyCallbackEvent(int key, int scancode, int action, int mods);
    bool charCallbackEvent(unsigned int codepoint);
    bool dropCallbackEvent(int count, const char **filenames);
    bool scrollCallbackEvent(double x, double y);
    bool resizeCallbackEvent(int width, int height);

    /* Internal helper functions */
    void updateFocus(Widget *widget);
    void disposeWindow(Window *window);
    void centerWindow(Window *window);
    void moveWindowToFront(Window *window);
    void drawWidgets();

    GLFWwindow *mGLFWWindow;
    NVGcontext *mNVGContext;
    GLFWcursor *mCursors[(int) Cursor::CursorCount];
    Cursor mCursor;
    std::vector<Widget *> mFocusPath;
    Vector2i mFBSize;
    float mPixelRatio;
    int mMouseState, mModifiers;
    Vector2i mMousePos;
    bool mDragActive;
    Widget *mDragWidget = nullptr;
    double mLastInteraction;
    bool mProcessEvents;
    Color mBackground;
    std::string mCaption;
    bool mShutdownGLFWOnDestruct;
    bool mFullscreen;
    std::function<void(Vector2i)> mResizeCallback;